
Study of logical instruction in Assembly Language.


Experiment Name: Study of logical instruction in Assembly Language.


Objective: The destination operand is always the accumulator. Here logical operation works on a bitwise level. Assembly language helps programmers to write human-readable code that is almost similar to machine language is difficult to understand and read as it is just a series of numbers. Assembly language helps in providing full control of what tasks a computer is performing.


Theory: These instructions are used to perform operations where data bits are involved, i.e. operations like logical, shift, etc. e can say that  these instructions are logical instructions. An assembly language is a type of low-level programming language that is intended to communicate directly with a computer’s hardware. Unlike machine language, which consists of binary and hexadecimal characters, assembly languages are designed to be readable by humans.

In assembly language, programmers can make use of the following five logical instructions: AND – Returns 1 only when both bits are 1; otherwise, it return 0. NOT – Reverses each bit. OR – Return 1 if one or one of the two bits or both bits are 1. Return 0 if both bits are 0. Both logical instructions and jump commend are widely used in assembly language. These commend are explained below.



            CODE SEGMENT


            MOV AX,00BCH

            MOV BX,00CAH

            AND AX,BX


            CODE ENDS






             MOV BX,5A81H

                       MOV AX,1081H

            MOV CX,54A5H

            OR AX,BX

            XOR AX,CX

            NOT AX

            TEST CX,BX

            AND CX,BX


            CODE ENDS


Conclusion: Here we are fast time study the logical instruction in assembly language. Assembly Language is preferred over Machine Language. There are many factors which make Assembly Language a remarkable language which are stated as the readability of assembly language is very much high that machine language. Changes can easily be made in assembly language in comparison with machine language. The risk of errors finding is reduced in Assembly Language than in Machine Language. We didn’t face any difficulties while performing this experiment.

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