
Distribution Systems Of Electrical Power System

Power distribution is the final stage of power supply. It carries electricity from the distribution center to individual consumers. The distribution center is connected to the supply center and step down the transmission voltage between 2 kV and 35 kV using transformers. Primary power distribution lines carry this medium volt power to distribution transformers located near the customer's residence. The distribution transformer further steps down the voltage to produce a voltage suitable for use in lighting, industrial equipment or household appliances. Often many consumers are supplied with electricity from a transformer through a secondary distribution line. Commercial and residential customers are connected to secondary distribution lines through service drops. Consumers who require a lot of power may be directly connected to the primary power supply level or sub transmission level.

Definition of distribution system?

A distribution system originates at a distribution substation and includes the lines, poles, transformers and other equipment needed to deliver electric power to the customer at the required voltages.

Distribution system is a two type 

                                                        1. AC Distribution 

                                                        2. Dc Distribution 

AC Distribution 

The AC distribution system is the electrical system between the step-down substation fed by the transmission system and the consumers' meters. AC Distribution is two types , Here discuses  two type of AC distribution system.

                                        i) Primary distribution and

                                         ii) Secondary distribution


i) Primary distribution: 11 / 6.6 / 3.3 kV, 3-phase 3-wire system

Fig:- Primary distribution system

ii) Secondary distribution: 400 / 240 V, 3-phase 4-wire system

Fig:- Secondary distribution system

Dc Distribution

DC power system consists of an electrical circuit which is a combination of resistors and constant current sources.


2-wire DC and 3-wire DC systems

                         Fig:- 2-wire DC system                                        Fig:- 3-wire DC system

Methods of Obtaining 3-wire DC

* Two-generator method: 2 shunt-wound generators connected in series

* 3-wire DC generator: coils of high reactance and low resistance connected permanently to                                         diametrically opposite points of armature winding

* Balancer set: 2 identical dc shunt machines coupled mechanically with their armatures and                             field windings joined in series across the outers

                                            Fig:- 2-generator method and 3-wire DC generator

Fig:- Balancer set

Main Components

                               Feeder: Conductor, no tapping, current carrying capacity

                                Distributor: Tapping to consumers, voltage drop

                                Service Main: Distributor to consumers’ end

Fig:- Typical LT distribution system

Connection Schemes :-   Radial, ring, interconnected schemes

Radial DC and AC schemes

Fig:- Radial DC and AC schemes

Ring main scheme

Fig:- Ring main scheme

Interconnected scheme

Fig:- Interconnected scheme

Requirements of a Distribution System

                                         1.  Proper voltage

                                         2.  Demand power

                                         3.  Reliability

Design Considerations

                       Feeders: main consideration is current carrying capacity

                        Distributors: main consideration is voltage drop

Electric Supply System
Bangladesh Power System

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