
Demonstration on Physical Integrator and Differentiator Circuits.

 Name of the Experiments: Demonstration on Physical Integrator and Differentiator Circuits.


To exhibit the output wave shapes of physical Integrator and Differentiator Circuits at different input signal.


                    1. Trainer board.

                    2. Oscilloscope.

                    3. Signal generator.

                    4. Connecting wires.

                    5. Op-amp IC( LM351/ μA741)

                    6. Resistors

                    7. Capacitor


Integrator: A circuit in which the output voltage waveform is the integral of the input voltage waveform is the integrator or the integration amplifier. Such a circuit is obtained by using a basic inverting amplifier configuration if the feedback resistor RF is replaced by a capacitor CF.


Figure 2.2 shows the differentiator or differentiator amplifier. As its name implies, the circuit performs the mathematical operation of differentiator; that is, the output waveform is the derivative of the input waveform. The differentiator may be constructed from a basic inverting amplifier if an input resistor R1 is replaced by a capacitor C1.

Thus the output vo is equal to RFC1 times the negative instantaneous rate of change of the input
voltage vin with time. Since the differentiator performs the reverse of the integrator’s function, a
cosine wave input will produce a sine wave output, or a triangular input will produce a square
wave output and a square wave input will produce some impulse.

Circuit Diagram for experiment:
Figure 2.4: Differentiator circuit.

1. Build the integrator circuit as shown in the figure 2.3 on the trainer board.
2. Calibrate the oscilloscope and take input signals from the signal generator.
3. Adjust the amplitude and frequency of the input signal at 2V (peak) and 1kHz respectively.
4. Sketch the input and output voltage when the input voltage is
                            (a) Sinusoidal wave
                            (b) Rectangular wave
                            (c) Triangular wave
5. Build the differentiator circuit as shown in the figure-2.4 on the trainer board.
6. Repeat the above instructions 2 to 4.


In this experiment we are worked Integrator and Differentiator circuits. We can learned how to determine Integrator and Differentiator circuits  sin wave , squire wave and  triangle wave shape. We also learned how to obtain such a circuit using a basic inverting amplifier configuration when the feedback resistor RF is replaced by the capacitor CF.

Thank you.

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