
Demonstration on Closed-loop Summing Amplifier

 Name of the Experiments: Demonstration on Closed-loop Summing Amplifier.


This experiment is intended to observe the operation of Op-Amp IC as Summing Amplifier.


                    1. Digital Multimeter

                    2. Oscilloscope

                    3. Trainer board.

                    4. Connecting wires

                    5. Op-amp IC(LM351/ μA741)

                    6. Resistors

                    7. Power supply

Theory: Summing Amplifier

A Summing amplifier is in fact an operational amplifier( op-amp ) configured in a specific manner. An ideal op-amp  has characteristics like infinite input impedance, infinite gain and zero output impedance. Based on its unique properties, an op-amp can be configured for various function, including a summing amplifier Also known as the adder the Summing amplifier produces a voltage output that is equivalent to an amplified sun of two or more input voltage usually, a Summing amplifier is infect an inverting amplifier, which means the output voltage has a negative value when measured to ground. The summing amplifier can be build using two op-amp configurations Inverting or Non-inverting  

Inverting Configuration:

Figure 01: Inverting three input summing amplifier

Figure 01, shows the inverting configuration with three inputs va, vb, vc. Since Ri and A of the op-amp are ideally infinity, 

Non-inverting amplifier:

Figure 2: Non-inverting three input summing amplifier

If the voltage sources and the resistors are connected to the non-inverting terminal as shown in figure 2, the circuit can be used as summing amplifier. By applying Super Position theorem at the input section we get,

Circuit Diagram for the Experiment:

Figure- 3: Two input (i) inverting & (ii) non-inverting summing amplifier.

Single Wave Shape : 



You have learned some basics of summing amplifier, inverting and non-inverting summing amplifier, output voltage calculation, an example circuit and some important applications.

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