
Current, Voltage and Resistance

Definition of Ampere:

The amount of electrons or charge flowing through a conductor or circuit per second is called current. Current is usually expressed by Current if Coulomb charge flows through the circuit at time t. 

I= Q/t  coulomb/sec.

Coulomb/second is abbreviated as 1 ampere. If 1 coulomb of charge flows through a conductor in 1 second A current of 1 ampere will flow through said conductor.

That is

t = 1 second, 

g = 1 coulomb.

Current, I = 1 Coulomb/sec

= 1 ampere.

International definition of ampere: The amount of current flowing through a silver nitrate (AgNO3) salt solution for 1 second to dissolve 0.00118 grams of silver (silver) is called one international ampere.

Ampere is abbreviated as A. The name of the device that measures current or amperes is ammeter. Its resistance is very low. Circuits are connected in series.

Definition of coulomb: If a current of 1 ampere flows through a conductor in 1 second, the amount of charge that flows in that time is called 1 coulomb.

That is, g = 1 coulomb when t = 1 second, I = 1 ampere. Coulomb is abbreviated as C.

Potential & Potential Difference

Potential: "The ability of a charged object to do work is called Electric Potential." "

Let us say, a positively charged object g is placed in air. As a result, the effect of the charge exists around it up to a specific area. This specific area or region is called an electric field. Now to bring any positive charge through the electric field, it has to work against the repulsive force. Hence the definition of electric field can also be given in the following way-

"The amount of work done in bringing a single positive charge from an infinite distance or outside an electric field to any point in an electric field is called the electric potential of that point." It is expressed by V. Let's say, the amount of work W is done to bring a positive charge q to point 'A' in a positively charged electric field. So electric potential by definition will be, V= W/q

Since in the SI system, the unit of work is the coulomb and the unit of charge is the unit of charge, so the unit of electric potential will be the Joule/Coulomb (Joule/Coulomb). The SI unit of this volt potential shows that the potential at point A is VA=Q/(4Ï€EoErd)

Definition of Voltage: If 1 joule of work is required to bring a positive charge of 1 coulomb from infinity to a point in an electric field, the potential at that point is called 1 volt.

Electric Potential Difference:

"The difference in potential between any two points in an electric field is called potential difference. Potential difference is abbreviated as P.D. Suppose two positive charges are brought to point A B from an infinite distance. The potentials at points A and B are Va and Vb. Hence, the electric field A And B will be the potential difference of the point.

Vab =Vb - Va Note here that the potential Vb of point B is greater than the potential Va of point A.

Resistance as opposition to the flow of charge or current in a conductor:

When electrons flow through a conductor or an electrical medium, the electrons pass through the atoms or molecules of the conductor or medium. At that time, the electrons flowing in the conductor have friction with other electrons. As a result the electrons are forced and heat is generated.

"Resistance to the flow of electrons or current through a conductor or material is called resistance".

Resistor can also be defined as follows--

"The property of a conductor or material which impedes the flow of current through it and causes heat to flow through it is called the resistance of the conductor." Resistance is expressed by R. Its unit is Ohm (Ohm). The property of a material with unit length and unit cross-sectional area, i.e. if the relative resistance is unit, the resistance of the conductive material will be 1 Ohm. The heat generated in the resistance is proportional to the square of the electrons or current flowing through it.

Definition of Ohm:

"If a potential difference of one volt is applied across a conductor and a current of one ampere flows through it, the resistance of the conductor will be 1 ohm.

Definition of international ohm: 1 international ohm is the resistance of a column of mercury 1.063 meters high and mass 14.4521 grams at zero degree Celsius temperature.

1 international ohm = 1.00019 ohm.

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