
How electricity was discovered in the world


Around 600 BC, the Greek philosopher Thales noted that raping amber with a silk cloth produced an invisible force within the amber and gave it attractive powers. As a result, it can attract small pieces of paper. This invisible energy is called electricity. Here, as a result of the friction of amber and silk cloth, a kind of small particle is transferred from the silk cloth to the amber, as a result, the silk cloth receives a positive charge and the amber receives a negative charge. So amber attracts small pieces of paper. The said particles are called electrons.

So the word electricity is derived from the Greek word Electron. Any movement of electrons is called electricity.” This electricity is basically of two types. namely

(A) Static electricity 

(B) Current electricity.

When an electric charge is confined at its origin, unable to move, it is called static electricity. In most cases this static electricity is caused by friction. For example, if a glass rod is touched by a silk cloth, the electrons from the glass also move to the silk cloth, so the glass also gets a positive charge and the silk cloth gets a negative charge. Again if an ebonite dot is rapped with a piece of flannel cloth or cat skin the ebonite dow receives a negative charge and the flannel cloth receives a positive charge. In winter, the gatapercher or the plastic comb that combs the hair both receive a charge. In each of the above cases electrons are transferred from one friend to another object resulting in multiples. Charges are received. That is, static electricity has originated in every object. Electricity is the continuous flow of electrons through a conductor or path. This is the ultimate development of human civilization. The contribution of electricity to the era seems to be the greatest and cannot be overstated. Therefore, the modern era is without or running. The use of electricity is essential in every aspect of life. Homes, offices-courts, factories-lighting, electric lamps, telegraphs, radios, televisions, microphones for entertainment, cinemas, theaters, televisions, trains for transportation, etc. cannot function without electricity. . So there are two types of electricity. Electricity can be defined as electricity or electricity. Electricity is the type of energy that can be converted into heat, light, mechanical energy, kinetic energy in a very short time or instantly.

There are two types of electricity. namely

(A) Direct Current (DC) 

(B) Alternating Current (A.C)

DC Current: The current which does not change in value and magnitude with time is called direct current or DC.

Alternating Current (AC): The current which changes both in value and direction with time is called AC or Alternating Current.

List of partial magnetic and chemical effects on current flow (Current typical application of current into heating, magnetic & chemical effects)

Effects of Electricity: Electricity is the most popular form of energy today. By pressing the switch today, light energy can be generated from electricity, heat energy from electricity, mechanical energy from electricity, that is, other energy useful for human use can be generated from electricity very easily and in a short time. The flow of electric current causes the following results or effects—

(1) Thermal effect /Heating effect

(2) Magnetic effect

(3) Chemical effect

(4) Action on living body (Physiological effect).

(1) Thermal effect (Heating effect): As a result of the flow of current through the conductor, the loss or waste in the resistance of the conductor is called the heating effect (Heating effect). Examples of heating effect are electric irons, heaters, electric bulbs, electric furnaces, welding machines, etc.

(2) Magnetic effect: When a current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is created around the conductor. That is, electrical energy is converted into magnetic energy. Examples of magnetic effect of electricity are electric motor, generator dynamo, transformer, motor, electric bell etc.

(3) Chemical effect: When current flows through water mixed with acid, the water is divided into its main components, hydrogen and oxygen. Here chemical reactions occur as a result of current flow. This process is called electrolysis. Another result of electroplating and chemical reactions.

(4) Physiological effect : When current flows through the body of man or any living animal, a kind of pain is felt. If the level of electric current is too high, sometimes people or animals die of pain in the blink of an eye. Such a reaction of the animal's body as a result of the flow of current is called electric shock. Electric shock is used with the help of a device called Megger in the treatment of rheumatism.

Structure of Atom:

The smallest particle of elemental matter which does not have the properties of that matter and which can participate in chemical and any electrical and electronic process is called atom.

Atom is again made up of 3 permanent particles. Namely:

1. Electron

2. Proton

3. Neutron

Again, meson, neutrino, antineutrino etc. are temporary particles of atoms. Two parts of an atom. Namely:

1. Nucleus

2. Outer part of Nucleus

The nucleus is composed of positively charged particles protons and uncharged particles neutrons. So the nucleus is positively charged and stationary. Outside the nucleus, negatively charged permanent particles move in different orbits, like the planets around the Sun at the center of the Solar System. Since any kind of movement of electrons is called electricity, electrons need to have properties. 

The following table gives the properties of electron, proton and neutron:

Electron: The electron is a permanent particle of the atom, which surrounds the nucleus.

keeps spinning Mass 9.31 × 10-31 kg Charge - 1.602 X 10-19 coulomb. Radius 1.4 x 10-15m.

Proton: A permanent fixture of the atom, which is the particle, in the nucleus. stays with neutrons. Mass 1.66 x 10-27 kg Charge +1.602 x 10 - 19 coulomb. Radius 1.4 x 10-15 mi

Neutron: A constant in the atom. Permanent particle, located at the center of the atom. by doing The mass of the neutron is equal to or greater than the mass of the proton! Its charge is zero. Radius 1.4 x 10 15m!

A neutral atom has the same number of protons and electrons. Each electron and proton have equal but opposite charges, so neutral atoms have zero charge. Electrons can be easily removed from atoms. But it is very difficult to denucleated a proton.  "An atom with more or less electrons than the number (of magnitude) is called a charge. It is also called an ion." E.g. A sodium atom has equal number of electrons and protons. So it is neutral. But when an electron is removed from sodium, it gets a positive charge. So the sodium ion is shown as Na+. Again, adding an electron to the chlorine atom makes it a negative (CT) ion. or becomes a charge.

Electron arrangement of atoms of some elements

The number of protons in an atom of an element is called the atomic number of that element. The atomic number of a neutral atom refers to the number of electrons in that atom. The number of electrons in any orbital of an element can be given by the formula = 2n2. However, if an orbital of an atom is considered as the last orbital path, it cannot contain more than 8 (eight) electrons. Copper and aluminum, two elements widely used as conductors in electrical engineering, their electron arrangement will be discussed extensively in another blog. 

See More

1. Automatic Night Light Circuit Using NAND gate Chip.

2. Remote Control Switch Board Appliance.

3.Battery charger circuit with indicator

4. Semiconductor

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