

The history of DC motors extends way back into the 19th century. From initial testing and development to widespread use across global industries, DC gear motors have evolved significantly into the present day.

Being a trusted electric motor manufacturer for over 70 years means we have seen how the DC motor has changed and adapted to new technologies over time. We are always intrigued about how it will continue to evolve and succeed in new industries in the future.

Motor: An electric motor is a mechanism or device that can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The working method of which can be of two types. It can work equally in both alternating and direct current modes. Since the invention of the motor till today it has been combining with new technologies in our life in various ways. Motors have been used in everything from electric lawn mowers to irrigation of agricultural land, and even the cars we use today to move quickly from one place to another, using motors to convert heat energy into mechanical energy. Overall, after the invention of electricity, the motor has made our daily life a lot easier.

Motors are generally of 2 types. namely-
1. AC motor
2. DC motor

1. What is AC motor? What are the parts of an AC motor?
Answer: A motor that runs on AC current. C. says the motor.
AC motors are of two types. Namely:
1. Synchronous motor
2. Induction motor
There are two types of induction motors.
1. Squirrel cage induction motor
2. Slip-ring induction motor
Induction motor consists of following parts. For example-
1. Stator
2. the rotor
3. bearing
4. Cooling fan
5. Yoke
6. terminal box
7. Name plate
8. End cover
9. bed plaid
10. shaft
11. Preloading ring
12. Fitting screws
13. grease point
2. There are 3 types of DC motors. Namely-
1. Series motor
2. Sound motor
3. Compound motor
There are also many types of DC motors. There are many types of DC motors available in the market. Some of them have very low or high torque and some have very low or high RPM.
The most common DC motors in the market are:
1. Gearless motor
2. Geared motor
3. stepper motor
4. Servo motor


Motor torque (Torque): We have heard about it more or less. After that, it is not welded again in a few simple words that will be remembered. Suppose, we all have more or less boarded the bus. Now everyone may have noticed that if the bus suddenly starts moving from a stop then the passengers who are sitting either move backwards a little or take a jolt in the opposite direction. Again, if the boat is jumped onto land while it is still in the water, the boat moves backwards a little. But why?

Yes, you got it right. This is simply called torque. But the exact intersection of torque is: force x angular distance. That is, the amount of force produced in opposite directions multiplied by their internal angle is called torque. Ah, I said the entire Mahabharata after a while. Well now let's talk about the reverse voltage / Back EMF which is mainly caused due to torque.

(Collected from various sources) 

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