
Solar System Element

There are basically 4 elements in the solar system

1. Solar Panel: From which electricity is generated. 

2. Charge controller: It controls the charge of the battery. When the battery is fully charged, it stops charging Again disconnects the load from the battery when the charge is over. Thus protecting the battery. 

3. Battery: It stores electricity. 

4. Load: What we use to say load - lights, fans, mobile chargers.

Solar Panel: It is a device that can directly convert light energy into electrical energy. D.C power is obtained from this. Solar panels are usually 6, 12, 24, 48 volts. Solar panels have several general technical specifications, such as:

1. Maximum Power: 

This means that this solar the panel can draw a maximum of 20 watts of electricity.

2. Maximum Voltage: 

This means its maximum voltage is 17.6. When the load is given at

3. Open Circuit Voltage: 

The voltage obtained when no load is applied to the solar panel. It is symbolically written as Voc.

4. Maximum Current: 

This means, the maximum current that can be obtained from here. No load should be connected whose current is more than Maximum Current.

5. Short Circuit Current:

This means, when the solar panel is shorted, the current is available.

6. Maximum System Voltage: 

This means, when the solar panel is connected in series, its voltage does not exceed the Maximum System Voltage.

The maximum voltage here is 600. That means (600/17) = 35 panels can be connected in series.

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